Pressemitteilung European Capital Partners: Neuer Co-Portfoliomanager beim ECP Flagship European Value Fund

ECP | Luxemburg, 27.04.2020.

Value-Stratege Léon Kirch von European Capital Pertners hat einen Personalwechsel im Team des ECP Flagship European Value Fund (WKN A14YQK, ISIN LU1169207518) bekannt gegeben.

Allan S. Jensen wird das Investment-Team verlassen und durch Frédéric Pouchain als neuer Co-Portfoliomanager ersetzt. Anleger können hier weitere Details erfahren:

We would like to inform you of upcoming changes within ECP.

Allan S. Jensen, team member of the ECP Flagship European Value, decided to pursue other career opportunities outside of ECP. We would like to thank Allan for his commitment to ECP over the past years and for a smooth transition.

Frédéric Pouchain joined as new team member and co-portfolio manager of the ECP Flagship European Value fund.

With more than 20 years of professional experience, Frédéric shares ECP’s value investment principles and demonstrates a longstanding experience and track-record in private equity and marketable securities, with a focus on European equities.

The portfolio management team on the European Value strategy consists of four seasoned investment professionals. The investment philosophy based on “entrepreneurial Value Investing” applied by lead Manager Léon Kirch for almost 20 years is being strengthened with Frédéric’s arrival.

We welcome Frédéric at ECP and look forward to a successful collaboration on our common passion, value investing.

Best regards,

On behalf of

Léon Kirch, CIO & Partner and the ECP Team

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