Pressemitteilung European Capital Partners: ECP wird zum paneuropäischen Asset and Wealth Manager

ECP | Luxemburg, 05.07.2021

European Capital Partners (ECP) entwickelt sich zum paneuropäischen Asset and Wealth Manager und geht zu diesem Zweck eine Strategische Partnerschaft mit der  belgischen Investment-Firma Whitestone Partners sowie dem schweizerischen Family Office Colombo Wealth ein. Durch diese Partnerschaft können die ECP-Kunden künftig von einer noch weitreichenderen Expertise in den Bereichen Aktien, Anleihen, Investmentfonds, Direktinvestments, der Vermögensverwaltung und bei Family Office-Dienstleistungen profitieren. Zusammen verwalten die drei Partner über 3 Milliarden EUR und verfügen über Niederlassungen in Luxemburg, Lugano, Zürich, Genf und Brüssel. Erfahren Sie in der nachfolgenden Pressemitteilung  alle weiteren Details.

European Capital Partners (Luxembourg) joins forces with Whitestone Partners (BE) and Colombo Wealth (CH) to develop into a leading asset and wealth manager benefitting clients with a wider range of expertise.

European Capital Partners (Luxembourg) S.A. (“ECP”) is pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with Colombo Wealth S.A., an independent Swiss Wealth Manager and Family Office, and Whitestone Partners SARL, a Belgian Investment Boutique. The objective is to develop ECP into a leading independent pan-European asset and wealth manager.

Through this alliance our clients will benefit from a wider range of expertise in private and public equity and debt, regulated alternative investment funds, direct investments, wealth management, third-party management and family office related services.

Together, the partners are managing more than € 3 billion of assets and have offices in Luxembourg, Lugano, Zurich, Geneva and Brussels. We represent a team of 50 employees servicing in different languages such as English, French, German, Luxembourgish, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and Danish.
Continued growth of our activities has led to new hires adding breadth and depth to the company.

“I am very excited about our new partnership that broadens the range of investment solutions we provide to our clients and our geographical reach. By strengthening our team with seasoned investment professionals sharing the same passion for fundamental investing we develop ECP into a relevant finance boutique not only in Luxembourg but indeed also across European markets.”
Léon Kirch, CIO and managing partner of ECP

New hires
Karsten Løngaard, with 23 years of experience in Asset Management, joined ECP as Portfolio Manager and Product Specialist. Prior to joining, Karsten was a Regional Director and Senior Portfolio Manager at Sparinvest S.A., a mid-sized Danish asset manager.

“I am really pleased to join European Capital Partners as a Portfolio Manager as we share the passion for a pragmatic and yet systematic fundamental approach to investments. I look forward to working with Leon and the team at ECP.”
Karsten Løngaard, Portfolio Manager at ECP

Xavier Magrini, with 30 years of experience in industrial groups, joined ECP as Head of Sales. Prior to joining, Xavier was Managing Director and Head of Sales & Marketing.

“It is particularly exciting entering into a global strategic partnership which will bring our company to the next level through successful transformation to better address the needs of the market and the requirements of our clients.”
Xavier Magrini, Head of Sales at ECP


About European Capital Partners SA
Founded in 2010 by 2 local entrepreneurs, European Capital Partners (“ECP SA”) is a Luxembourg based regulated wealth and asset management company (UCITS and AIFM authorized). With the staff of 15 employees, the company manages in excess of 650mln EUR in assets and offers investment solutions in asset management, asset servicing and wealth management. (

About Colombo Wealth SA
Colombo Wealth SA is a FINMA-licensed independent Swiss wealth manager with offices in Lugano, Zurich and Geneva founded in 1974 by the Colombo family. The Group has developed expertise in wealth management and wealth planning, family office services, corporate advisory, asset and fund management and tax services and serves private clients from various countries with a need of tailormade Swiss quality advice. (

About Whitestone Partners SARL
Whitestone Partners SARL is an independent Investment Boutique founded in 2012 by 2 Belgian entrepreneurs, who previously worked for a group controlled by the late Belgian billionaire Albert Frère. Going back to their professional roots, the founding partners have created a holding company in Belgium investing in public and private companies. (

Investor relations at ECP: Geraldine Valentijn – +352 27 84 36 41

For more information, visit our website and get in touch with the new team members should you have any question.

Best regards,

On behalf of

Léon Kirch, CIO & Partner and the ECP Team

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