Pressemitteilung ECP European Capital Partners: Freitagmorgen Kaffee Nr. 133: Unbreakable

Bei der FondsAuswahl zählt die Unabhängigkeit vom Anbieter! ECP | Luxemburg, 08.01.2021

Just a couple of days into the new year, we already celebrated this week in Washington the premiere of a new event, called Insurrection Day under the motto : “How to embarrass the biggest Democracy in the World”. We believe this was a sad day not only for the US but also a sad day for all our democracies.

“Today is a painful reminder that democracy is fragile.” were the words of president elect Joe Biden this Tuesday when Trump supporters stormed US Capitol disrupting the certification of his victory. However, as he also concluded, “Through war and strife, America has endured much. And we will endure here and prevail now.”


Mit freundlichen Grüssen aus Luxembourg
Léon Kirch, CIO & Partner

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