DNCA hat uns darüber informiert, dass folgender Fonds zum 15. September 2015 geschlossen wurde. Die Schließung gilt nur für Anteilskäufe, Verkäufe sind weiterhin möglich.
Fondsname | WKN | ISIN |
DNCA Invest MIURA A | A1H49S | LU0512124362 |
Der Fonds kann folglich zurzeit über die FFB nur verkauft, jedoch nicht gekauft werden. Er wird jedoch weiterhin, gemäß den Regeln des Verkaufsprospektes, bewertet. In der Regel wird ein täglicher Anteilspreis ermittelt.
Kunden, die Sparpläne in diesem Fonds haben, informieren wir sowohl über die Schließung als auch die Einstellung ihrer Pläne. Sparpläne werden letztmalig am 01. September 2015 ausgeführt.
Sobald der Fonds wieder über die FFB gekauft werden kann, informieren wir Sie hierüber.
Den dauerhaften Datenträger der Fondsgesellschaft haben wir Ihnen beigelegt. Für die Verwahrung
und Administration von Anteilen und die Umsetzung von Aufträgen verweisen wir auf unsere allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und unser Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis.
Freundliche Grüße
Dear Sir/Madam,
We informed you in March 2014 that the Board of Directors of the DNCA SICAV INVEST had decided that when assets under management reached EUR 900 million, subscriptions to the DNCA INVEST – MIURA (the “Sub-fund”) would be subject to the following restrictions: systematic application of a 3% entry fee for subscription of A, B and I shares of the Sub-fund. The reason for this was to reduce the rate of subscriptions significantly, in the interests of shareholders. The management team believes that above this amount, assets under management could progressively dilute the returns sought.
The Sub-fund’s assets under management have now exceeded EUR 900 million. However, it has been decided that we will accept subscriptions until 15 September 2015 at the conditions that have been in place since the Sub-fund’s launch, i.e. without the application of an entry fee. From 15 September 2015 onwards, subscriptions will no longer be accepted if the Sub-fund’s assets under management remain above EUR 900 million. On the other hand, if assets under management were to fall below EUR 900 million as of 15 September 2015 or in the future – following a period of outflows – subscriptions in the Sub-fund would be available at the usual valid conditions in place since the Sub-fund’s launch.
It is worth noting that the DNCA Finance Absolute Performance range includes two other funds, DNCA INVEST – MIURI, a “market neutral” fund with similar objectives to those of DNCA INVEST– MIURA, and DNCA INVEST – VELADOR, a fund eligible for the French equity savings scheme (PEA), which has a slightly more marked directional bias to the European equity markets than DNCA INVEST– MIURA and DNCA INVEST – MIURI.
DNCA INVEST – MIURI and DNCA INVEST – VELADOR are open for subscriptions and do not stipulate any capacity limits. Our sales teams would be very happy to provide you with any further information you require on these two funds, which may provide you with an alternative to DNCA INVEST – MIURA.
We thank you for the trust you have placed in us and ask you to please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by the closure, at least for the time being, of DNCA INVEST – MIURA to subscriptions.
Yours faithfully, The Board of Directors of DNCA INVEST