
Pressemitteilung Bellevue Asset Management: Annual General Meeting of Bellevue Group AG – all resolutions approved

Bellevue | Küsnacht, 22.03.2016 At the Annual General Meeting on March 22. 2016, the shareholders of Bellevue Group AG approved all proposals put forward by the Board of Directors. Dr. Thomas von Planta was re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Dr. Daniel Sigg and Dr. Mirjam Staub-Bisang were re-elected as directors, all for a one-year term of office extending until completion of the next Annual General Meeting.

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Pressemitteilung Bellevue Group: Reports improved operating performance in the first half of 2015, extraordinary impairment of intangible assets

Bellevue | Küsnacht, 15.07.2015. – Bellevue Group first-half operating profits increased 75% to CHF 9.9 million – Record results from Asset Management, assets under management at all time high – Operating profit at Bank am Bellevue still positive – Extraordinary impairment and write-down of CHF 22 million for goodwill and CHF 2.7 million for intangible assets at Bank am Bellevue result in a net loss of CHF 15.5 million for the Group – The charges have no impact on the …

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