Pictet | Frankfurt, 26.11.2015. We believe equities will deliver healthy gains in 2016 thanks to moderate economic growth and additional monetary stimulus. Japan and Europe remain our favoured stock markets; both regions benefit from monetary stimulus and improving economic growth. Emerging markets, undervalued and unloved, could stage a strong recovery. EM stocks are trading at lowly valuations that look increasingly difficult to justify. Within emerging markets, we expect Asian stocks to deliver thestrongest returns – they trade at a notable …
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Pressemitteilung Pictet Asset Management: Analyse zum Brasilianischen Markt: “Dispatches from Brazil – Change is in the air”
Pictet | Frankfurt, 22.01.2015. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir freuen uns, Ihnen anbei eine aktuelle Flashnote von Mary-Therese Barton, Senior Investment Manager bei Pictet Asset Management, zur brasilianischen Volkswirtschaft und den lokalen Anleihemärkten mit dem Titel “Dispatches from Brazil – Change is in the air” zuzusenden. Bei Rückfragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Mit besten Grüßen, Oliver MOELLER, Head of Communication Germany & Austria, Tel. +49 69 79 5009 30,
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