Kanada profitiert aktuell stark von der einsetzenden Erholung der US-Wirtschaft. Die Länder haben enge Handelsbeziehungen zueinander. Etwa 75% der kanadischen Exporte fließen in die Vereinigten Staaten. Für die kanadische Wirtschaft, wie auch für die USA, erwartet KBC Asset Management ein Wirtschaftswachstum von rund 2,3% im Jahr 2014. Das anhaltend starke Wirtschaftswachstum der USA und unsere langfristig positiven Erwartungen für die Öl -und Rohstoffpreise stellen aber auch ein Risiko für die kanadische Wirtschaft dar.
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Managersichten SJB Liquidität: KBC Canarenta WKN A0HM8Q März 2014
The fund invests primarily in Canadian government debt and also holds a limited number of semigovernment and highly rated euro bonds. During the first half of the book year, the Canadian economy continued on its steady growth path. The strong Canadian dollar however affected exports negatively and the indebtedness of the private sector remains a concern. The low core inflation provided sufficient leeway for the Central Bank to keep its official interest rate unchanged at 1%. All in all, the …
Lesen Sie mehr »Managersichten SJB Liquidität: KBC Canarenta WKN A0HM8Q September 2013
The Canadian economy continued to grow at a modest rate during the financial year, underpinned by ongoing strong domestic demand and a robust property market. There was, however, no sign of inflationary pressure. In these circumstances, the central bank held its key rate steady at 1%. This caused the two-year rate to move sideways around the 1.1% mark, while the 10-year rate rose from 1.7% to 2.55% in the course of the financial year, partly due to a possible change …
Lesen Sie mehr »Managersichten SJB Liquidität: KBC Canarenta WKN A0HM8Q März 2013
The Canadian economy continued to grow steadily in the first half of the financial year, underpinned by strong domestic demand. The strength of the Canadian dollar, however, continued to weigh on exports. As a result, the central bank held its key rate at 1%. Bond yields there fore tended to mark time. The sub-fund was nevertheless able to benefit from the positive spread between government paper and semi-government bonds and Eurobonds. Having appreciated substantially against the euro in previous financial …
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