Pictet | Frankfurt, 30.06.2016. The British electorate’s decision to leave the European Union in the June referendum has roiled markets worldwide. It has clouded prospects for the UK and world economies, and threatens the future of the European project. Investors are obviously right to feel concerned. But they should also know that there are some silver linings to the Brexit clouds. And these could support riskier asset classes over the medium term. The biggest worry is that the UK’s looming divorce from the EU will encourage other electorates …
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Pressemitteilung Pictet Asset Management: Luca Paolini zur aktuellen Asset Allocation
Pictet | Frankfurt, 08.04.2015. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, beigefügt erhalten Sie einen aktuellen Marktkommentar von Luca Paolini, Chefstratege bei Pictet Asset Management in London, zur aktuellen Asset Allocation. Wir freuen und über Ihr Interesse und senden beste Grüße, Oliver MOELLER, Head of Communication Germany & Austria, Tel. +49 69 79 5009 30, Europe and Japan remain our favoured markets says Luca Paolini, Pictet Asset Management Luca Paolini, Chief Strategist Pictet Asset Management, explains why he still sees value …
Lesen Sie mehr »Pressemitteilung Pictet Asset Management: Luca Paolini zur aktuellen Asset Allocation
Pictet | Frankfurt, 05.03.2015. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, beigefügt erhalten Sie einen aktuellen Marktkommentar von Luca Paolini, Chefstratege bei Pictet Asset Management in London, zur aktuellen Asset Allocation. Wir freuen und über Ihr Interesse und senden beste Grüße Oliver MOELLER, Head of Communication Germany & Austria, Tel. +49 69 79 5009 30, High Yield to benefit from ECB QE stimulus – Pictet Asset Management. Luca Paolini, chief strategist at Pictet Asset Management, explains recent allocation changes in response to the ECB’s …
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