ECP | Luxemburg, 16.10.2020 It is not a surprise that interest rates are at rock bottom levels. An already anaemic economic activity has been slowed down further by the pandemic pushing central banks to inject unseen amounts of liquidity into our financial systems. For the moment at least these monetary policies are not leading to inflation and hence to higher rates. This environment is not favourable for value investors as the traditional industries they are investing in are facing headwinds. Financials …
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Pressemitteilung Pictet Asset Management: “Negative rates, negative consequences”
Pictet | Frankfurt, 01.03.2016. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, anbei finden Sie den aktuellen Market Brief von Pictet Wealth Management (PWM), der Wealth Management Einheit der Pictet-Gruppe. Christophe Donay, Head of Asset Allocation & Macro Research bei PWM in Genf, analysiert darin die Konsequenzen negativer Leitzinsen auf die Volkswirtschaften.
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