Auflösung eines F&C Fonds

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FFB -FondsDepotbank Ihrer SJB FondsSkyline 1989 e.K.

 Wir informieren Sie darüber, dass folgender Fonds bereits zum 12. März 2015 liquidiert worden ist. Dies bedeutet, dass der gesamte Fonds aufgelöst und das angelegte Kapital einschließlich der aufgelaufenen Erträge an die Anteilinhaber anteilig ausgeschüttet wird.

Fondsname WKN ISIN
Emerging Asia Fund EUR acc. A0M6WN IE00B23Y5K77

Wir werden den Liquidationserlös der Referenzbankverbindung gutschreiben. Kunden, die zum Zeitpunkt der Liquidation ein FFB-Fondsdepot :plus eingerichtet haben, werden wir den Liquidationserlös auf dem Abwicklungskonto gutschreiben.
Kunden, die Pläne oder Bestände in diesem Fonds haben, werden durch uns sowohl über die Auflösung als auch die Einstellung ihres Planes informiert.
Anbei finden Sie den dauerhaften Datenträger der Fondsgesellschaft.

Wir möchten an dieser Stelle darauf hinweisen, dass es sich bei dem beigefügten Dokument um ein Schriftstück der Fondsgesellschaft handelt. Für die Verwahrung und Administration von Anteilen und die Umsetzung von Aufträgen verweisen wir auf unsere allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen nebst Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen


If you are in any doubt about the course of action to take you should immediately consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other independent financial adviser. If you have sold or transferred all your shares in Traditional Funds plc – F&C Emerging Asia Fund, please forward this document to the purchaser or transferee, or to the stockbroker, bank manager or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected.
To: Holders of all Shares of Traditional Funds plc (the “Company”) – F&C Emerging Asia Fund (the “Fund”)
Dear Shareholder
We are writing to inform you that the Directors of the Company have concluded that it is in the best interests of the Fund and its Shareholders that the Fund be closed. Redemptions have left the Fund of a size where it is becoming too small to be economic and where the likelihood of being able to rebuild the assets under management is greatly reduced.
In accordance with the provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Directors hereby give you notice of their intention to redeem all of the Shares of the Fund on the Dealing Day falling on 12 March 2015 and in due course the Fund will be closed. The Investment Manager, will seek to liquidate the portfolio prior to 12 March 2015 and accordingly the Directors wish to notify Shareholders that some or all of the portfolio may be held in cash during the formal notice period.
The Directors further advise that with effect from 23 January 2015 the Fund will be closed to all new subscriptions and the calculation of the Net Asset Value of the Fund’s Shares will be on a “bid basis” in accordance with the Company’s prospectus. The Fund will remain open as normal during this period for redemption applications which should continue to be sent to the Fund’s Administrator, State Street Fund Services (Ireland) Limited, as set out in the Company’s prospectus.
The final Net Asset Value calculation will be prepared as at 12 March 2015 and the Directors expect that, subject to cash availability, Shareholders electing to receive cash will be paid within five working days of the completion of the final Net Asset Value calculation. Alternatively, investors in the Fund may elect to have their redemption payments switched to any of the other funds within Traditional Funds plc which are open for dealing. Of these available funds, the F&C Global Emerging Markets fund has the closest objective and exposure, and details of this fund are available on the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) at
Please note that we are not able to provide advice. If you are at all unsure, please contact a financial adviser who will be able to help you make an informed choice.
For further information on switching please contact the Investor Services Department of the Administrator on +353 (0) 1242 5529 or F&C Client Services on +44 (0)20 7011 4444.
Yours sincerely
For and on behalf of Traditional Funds plc
David Hammond

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