Auflösung Deutsche Asset und Wealth Management Fonds

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FFB -FondsDepotbank Ihrer SJB FondsSkyline 1989 e.K.

  Wir informieren Sie darüber, dass folgende Fonds bereits zum 15. Dezember 2014 liquidiert worden sind. Dies bedeutet, dass der gesamte Fonds aufgelöst und das angelegte Kapital einschließlich der aufgelaufenen Erträge an die Anteilinhaber anteilig ausgeschüttet wird.

Fondsname WKN ISIN
WIP U.S. High Yield Fund AX (USD) 548137 LU0168400173
WIP U.S. High Yield Fund A (USD) 986507 LU0068732865
WIP Global Real Estate Securities Fund A (EUR) A0DPYD LU0208357458
WIP Global Real Estate Securities Fund A (USD) A0DPYC LU0208357292

Die letzte Ausgabe und Ausgabe von Anteilen über die FFB hat bereits stattgefunden.
Wir werden den Liquidationserlös der Referenzbankverbindung gutschreiben. Kunden, die zum Zeitpunkt der Liquidation ein FFB-Fondsdepot :plus eingerichtet haben, werden wir den Liquidationserlös auf dem Abwicklungskonto gutschreiben.
Kunden, die Pläne oder Bestände in diesem Fonds haben, werden durch uns sowohl über die Auflösung als auch die Einstellung ihres Planes informiert.
Anbei finden Sie den dauerhaften Datenträger der Fondsgesellschaft.

Wir möchten an dieser Stelle darauf hinweisen, dass es sich bei dem beigefügten Dokument um ein Schriftstück der Fondsgesellschaft handelt. Für die Verwahrung und Administration von Anteilen und die Umsetzung von Aufträgen verweisen wir auf unsere allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen nebst Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen



Worldwide Investors Portfolio
société d’investissement à capital variable
Registered office: 4, rue Jean Monnet
L-2180 Luxembourg
R.C.S. Luxembourg: B 39048
(the “Fund”)
The board of directors of the Fund has resolved pursuant to Article 14 of the Articles of Incorporation of the Fund to discontinue the offering of shares of the US High Yield Fund (the “Sub-Fund”), and to close the Sub-Fund, as a result of low volume of the Sub-Fund, which no longer permits an economically reasonable management of the Sub-Fund’s Portfolio.
The subscriptions and redemptions were suspended in the Sub-Fund as of 11 November 2014.
Notice is hereby formally given that the Sub-Fund will be dissolved as of 11 November 2014 and liquidated as of 15 December 2014.
Further, notice is given that all outstanding Shares in the Sub-Fund will be automatically redeemed at Net Asset Value on 15 December 2014 (the “Effective Date”).
As an investor, you may choose the following options:
Option 1
To receive disbursement of the liquidation proceed after the Effective Date. For this option no action from your side is necessary.
Option 2
To exchange your shares of the U.S. High Yield Fund Class A (USD), Class AX (USD), Class I (USD), Class IX (USD) at the respective Net Asset Value, without any charge, for corresponding shares Class A (USD), Class A (EUR), Class I (USD), Class I (EUR), Class IX (USD) of the remaining two sub-funds of the Fund denominated in the same currency prior to 8 December 2014. Please contact your financial advisor as soon as possible if you wish to exercise these options. If we do not hear from you by 8 December 2014, you will simply receive the redemption proceeds directly through your dealer after Effective Date.
If you take no action, the proceeds representing the redemption will be delivered to you based on the instructions on file shortly after the effective date. If you hold your shares through your dealer, your dealer will credit your account with the redemption proceeds. The current prospectus, the KIIDs and annual reports of the Fund may be obtained free of charge at the registered office of the Management Company at 4, rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 Luxembourg, email:
Worldwide Investors Portfolio
Luxembourg, (***) 2014
Worldwide Investors Portfolio
société d’investissement à capital variable
Registered office: 4, rue Jean Monnet
L-2180 Luxembourg
R.C.S. Luxembourg: B 39048
(the “Fund”)
The board of directors of the Fund has resolved pursuant to Article 14 of the Articles of Incorporation of the Fund to discontinue the offering of shares of the Global Real Estate Securities Fund (the “Sub-Fund”),
and to close the Sub-Fund, as a result of low volume of the Sub-Fund, which no longer permits an economically reasonable management of the Sub-Fund’s Portfolio.
The subscriptions and redemptions were suspended in the Sub-Fund as of 11 November 2014.
Notice is hereby formally given that the Sub-Fund will be dissolved as of 11 November 2014 and liquidated as of 15 December 2014.
Further, notice is given that all outstanding Shares in the Sub-Fund will be automatically redeemed at Net Asset Value on 15 December 2014 (the “Effective Date”).
As an investor, you may choose the following options:
Option 1
To receive disbursement of the liquidation proceed after the Effective Date. For this option no action from your side is necessary.
Option 2
To exchange your shares of the Global Real Estate Securities Fund Class A (USD), Class A (EUR), Class I (USD), Class I (EUR), Class IX (USD) at the respective Net Asset Value, without any charge, for corresponding Class A (USD), Class A (EUR), Class I (USD), Class I (EUR), Class IX (USD) shares of the remaining two sub-funds of the Fund, denominated in the same currency, prior to 8 December 2014.
Please contact your financial advisor as soon as possible if you wish to exercise these options. If we do not hear from you by 8 December 2014, you will simply receive the redemption proceeds directly through your dealer after Effective Date.
If you take no action, the proceeds representing the redemption will be delivered to you based on the instructions on file shortly after the effective date. If you hold your shares through your dealer, your
dealer will credit your account with the redemption proceeds.
The current prospectus, the KIIDs and annual reports of the Fund may be obtained free of charge at the registered office of the Management Company at 4, rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 Luxembourg, email:
Worldwide Investors Portfolio
Luxembourg, (***) 2014

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