Investec hat uns darüber informiert, dass folgender Fonds zum 15. Januar 2016 liquidiert wird.
Das bedeutet, dass der gesamte Fonds aufgelöst und das angelegte Kapital einschließlich der aufgelaufenen Erträge an die Anteilinhaber anteilig ausgeschüttet wird.
Fondsname | WKN | ISIN |
Investec GSF – Africa Opportunities Fund A Acc gross USD | A1C1N5 | LU0518403992 |
Fondsanteilen können über die FFB nicht mehr gekauft und bis zum 08.01. 2016 zurückgegeben werden.
Liquidationserlöse schreiben wir der jeweiligen Referenzbankverbindung unserer Kunden gut.
Kunden, die zum Zeitpunkt der Auflösung ein FFB-Fondsdepot:plus besitzen, erhalten die Gutschrift des Liquidationserlöses auf ihrem Abwicklungskonto.
Kunden, die Pläne und/oder Bestände in diesem Fonds haben, informieren wir sowohl über die Auflösung als auch die Einstellung ihrer Pläne.
Den dauerhaften Datenträger der Fondsgesellschaft haben wir Ihnen beigelegt. Für die Verwahrung und Administration von Anteilen und die Umsetzung von Aufträgen verweisen wir auf unsere allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und unser Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis.
Freundliche Grüße
Dear Investor,
Liquidation of the Investec Africa Opportunities Fund
We are writing to you as an investor in the Africa Opportunities Fund (the ‘Fund’), a Sub-fund of the Investec Global Strategy Fund (the ‘Company’), to let you know of our decision to liquidate and therefore close the Fund.
Our reasons for the liquidation and the options available to you are explained in more detail below.
You do not need to take any action in relation to this letter but are encouraged to read it as it contains important information.
The effective date of the liquidation will be 15 January 2016 and the Fund will be closed to new subscriptions from the date of this letter.
Reasons for the liquidation
We have decided to liquidate the Fund due to its small size, being approximately only US$18.3 million as at the end of August 2015.
Despite the continued investment opportunities that Africa presents, the small size of the Fund constrains the investment manager from implementing all of the investment decisions that it would like to for the Fund. The small size of the Fund also means that fund costs are spread across fewer assets than in a larger fund.
We do not expect the Fund to attract significant inflows in the future, so its assets under management are likely to remain low. We believe therefore that it would be in the interests of all shareholders to liquidate the Fund in accordance with the rules set out in the Prospectus and Articles of Incorporation of the Company.
Your options
There are three options available to you as an investor in the Fund, detailed overleaf.
Option 1: Switch your investment on or before 12 January 2016
If you wish to switch your investment in the Sub-Fund into an alternative fund within the Investec Global Strategy Fund range, we need to receive the necessary Investec GSF Conversion Form on or before 4:00pm New York City time on 12 January 2016. The Investec GSF Conversion Form can be found on our website www.investecassetmanagement.com.
Please contact your usual financial advisor or your local Investec Asset Management office as detailed at the beginning of this letter for details of other available funds within the Investec Global Strategy Fund range and a copy of the Investec GSF Conversion Form. The completed form should be sent to the Guernsey address at the top of this letter.
Neither the Company nor Investec Asset Management will make any charges for such a switch.
Option 2: Redeem your investment on or before 12 January 2016
If you wish to redeem your investment in the Fund, please submit your request in writing or by completing and returning an Investec GSF Redemption form, which can be found on our website (www.investecassetmanagement.
com), on or before 4:00pm New York City time on 12 January 2016. Your redemption instruction can be sent to the Guernsey address at the top of this letter.
Alternatively, you can redeem your shares by contacting either your usual financial advisor or your local Investec Asset Management office as detailed at the beginning of this letter.
The redemption will be carried out according to the procedure set out in the Company’s Prospectus.
Neither the Company nor Investec Asset Management will make any charges for such a redemption.
Option 3: You take no action and your investment is automatically redeemed Dealing in shares in the Fund will cease immediately after 4:00pm New York City time on 12 January 2016.
On 15 January 2016 the remaining property of the Fund will be liquidated so that the proceeds can be paid to the remaining shareholders. This may take place in two instalments as described below should the repatriation timing of any Fund property require it or there is still a positive balance in the Fund after the first payment (e.g. if a dividend is received after the first payment). Within one week of 15 January 2016, all remaining shares will be redeemed and you will receive a first payment in respect of your proportionate share of the proceeds in the Fund at this time. We expect the closure of the Fund to be completed within six weeks of 15 January 2016. At the time when the closure is completed, we may make a final second payment to you of any balance in the Fund, although please note that none is expected.
Subject to us having all the necessary documentation in respect of your investment in the Fund, the proceeds of the redemption will be paid to the bank account which we have on file for you. Payments will be made in US dollars, except in the case where you have indicated that payments are made in a preferred currency.
Neither the Company nor Investec Asset Management will make any charges for the redemption.
In order to appropriately manage the liquidation of the Fund in the best interests of investors, the Fund may begin to reduce its investment exposure by selling some of its assets from the date of this letter, in a manner the Investment Manager may determine. The Fund may therefore hold more cash than usual during this time.
Liquidation proceeds which are not able to be distributed to the relevant shareholders upon closure of the Fund will be deposited with the Caisse de Consignation on behalf of the persons entitled to them. If not claimed, they shall be forfeited after 30 years.
The liquidation of the Fund will require the sale of the assets of the Fund, the cost of which will be borne in full by the Fund. Other costs associated with the liquidation, such as legal, mailing and administration costs will be paid by the Company and these costs have been taken into account for the purposes of valuing the Fund.
Contract notes
Under Options 1, 2 or 3 a contract note detailing the switch or redemption, including the number of shares, the share price and the proceeds payable will be sent to you, or, if applicable, your advisor.
The following share classes and ISINs will cease to exist following the closure of the Fund:
Africa Opportunities, A, Acc, USD LU0518403992
Africa Opportunities, C, Acc, USD LU0519662281
Africa Opportunities, F, Acc, USD LU0526815377
Africa Opportunities, I, Acc, JPY LU0528453193
Africa Opportunities, I, Acc, USD LU0518405005
Africa Opportunities, IX, Inc, USD LU0846946571
Africa Opportunities, S, Acc, USD LU0638888346
More information
If you would like further information regarding the liquidation or wish to discuss your options, please contact your usual financial or tax advisor. Alternatively, our teams are available to help you. For further information on our fund range, please visit our website, www.investecassetmanagement.com.
Yours faithfully,
Grant Cameron John Green
Director Director