Robeco hat darüber informiert, dass für folgende Fonds seit dem 16. Oktober 2013 ein Soft-Closing gilt. Dies bedeutet, dass Anteilabrufe generell nur noch zum vollen Ausgabeaufschlag
möglich sind und Rabattierungen nicht mehr durchgeführt werden können.
Fondsname | WKN | ISIN |
Robeco US Premium Equities DH EUR | A0M1D1 | LU0320896664 |
Robeco US Premium Equities (USD) D | A0F61P | LU0226953718 |
Bitte berücksichtigen Sie diese Besonderheiten bei zukünftigen Dispositionen.Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Frankfurter Fondsbank GmbH
Vertrieb, Marketing und Business Development
Frankfurt am Main 15. November 2013
Robeco Capital Growth Funds
Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable
Registered office: 69, route d’Esch, L-1470 Luxembourg
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 58.959
(The “Company” or “RCGF”)
Notice to the shareholders of the sub-fund
Robeco Capital Growth Funds – Robeco US Premium Equities
Luxembourg, 4 October 2013
Dear Shareholder,
We are writing to you as a shareholder in the Sub-Fund Robeco Capital Growth Funds – Robeco US Premium Equities.
As a consequence of continued significant flows into Robeco Capital Growth Funds – Robeco US Premium Equities, this all-cap strategy has now reached its maximum capacity. The purpose of this notice is to inform you about the decision of the board of directors of the Company that a subscription charge of 1% will be implemented on subscriptions in the share classes of Robeco Capital Growth Funds – Robeco US Premium Equities listed in the
table below, with effect from 16 October 2013 as a measure to stem the inflows. The board of directors considers this measure to be in the best interest of the shareholders.
The following table sets out the share classes of Robeco Capital Growth Funds – Robeco US Premium Equities on which the subscription charge will be levied:
Type Share class Subscription charge ISIN
Regular D USD 1.00% LU0226953718
Regular D EUR 1.00% LU0434928536
Regular DH EUR 1.00% LU0320896664
The last cut-off time for subscriptions that will be executed without a subscription charge is Friday 11 October at16.00. This subscription charge will be for the direct benefit of Robeco Capital Growth Funds – Robeco US
Premium Equities and will thereby indirectly be for the benefit of its current shareholders. This subscription charge may be additional to any sales charge(s) which may be levied by any distributor (the level of which investors should check with their relevant distributor). The current holdings of existing clients are not impacted by this measure, as the subscription charge will be levied on additional subscriptions. Redemptions and switches within Robeco CapitalGrowth Funds – Robeco US Premium Equities are not affected by this measure.
Date Ordering
11-10-2013 Last cut-off (16:00 Luxembourg time) for subscriptions without a subscription charge
14-10-2013 Last execution date of subscriptions without a subscription charge / first cut off (16:00 Luxembourg time) for subscriptions with a subscription charge
15-10-2013 Sub-fund closed for transactions (as already communicated via the Robeco Holiday Schedule
16-10-2013 First execution date for subscriptions on which the subscription charge will be levied
Additional information
More information and a Q&A are available on the website of the Company www.robeco.com/luxembourg and at the registered office of the Company or the information agent in Germany, Robeco Deutschland, Taunusanlage 17, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Yours faithfully,
Robeco Capital Growth Funds
The Board of Directors